Contact Us
General enquiries: Our school receptionist handles all general enquiries. They can be contacted on 01732 469111 or email
Parent enquiries: Our school receptionist is the first point of contact for parent queries where their specific needs will be directed accordingly. They can be contacted on 01732 469111 or email
Absence: Information relating to school absence, including how to report this to us, and how to request an absence in advance during term time, can be found in the General Information section of the Parent Area of this website.
Admission Enquiries: Please see our Admissions Page or contact our Admissions Officer Mrs L Tinkler via email
EduLink: Should you wish to contact your Form Tutor or a member of our Teaching Staff please use EduLink
SENDCO: Mr C Watts
For any SEND related questions, please contact us on the number provided above, or email, in the first instance.
Please visit our Inclusion and SEND page for more information.
Chair of Governors: Mrs Cres Iveson
Mrs Iveson can be contacted on 01732 469111 or email
Paper Copies: If you would like to request a paper copy of the information on this website, please contact our school receptionist on 01732 469111 or email
Staff List: A full list of our staff can be found here:-
Headteacher: Dr M Pawson
Trinity School
Seal Hollow Road
TN13 3SL
Telephone: 01732 469111
E-mail Address:
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