
Trinity LifeBites (PSHE & RSE)

At Trinity School, our PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) and RSE (relationship and sex education) programmes are called Trinity LifeBites. The intent of our LifeBites programme is equip our young people to develop skills and make informed, considered decisions and strategies as they navigate their way now and along the complex, dynamic road towards adulthood. This includes learning how to be resilient and how to get support when needed.

This part of our curriculum which follows statutory guidelines is sensitive to our Christian ethos. It is designed as a spiral, building on learning in primary school and then throughout their time at Trinity. This allows us to build and expand on ideas at appropriate times in their education.

Healthy relationships, mental and physical wellbeing are at the core of this. We ensure that we cover the government’s statutory guidelines, as well as including career guidance, finance and leadership. Topic areas include:

  • Rights, Responsibilities and British Values
  • Celebrating Diversity and Equality
  • Staying Safe Online and Offline
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Relationships and Sex Education
  • Life Beyond School (including finance and career education)
  • Trinity TELLS

Trinity LifeBites is delivered during form time each week, and across the curriculum where subject departments focus on areas relevant to their specialisms during the course of the year. For example, in computing students will learn about online safety, in science they will learn about puberty and the reproductive organs, while in history students will discuss anti-Semitism. In addition, the Heads of Key Stage also reiterate relevant areas during assemblies. Our staff are trained and supported to deliver this aspect of the curriculum to fulfill our mission: ‘Education for life in all its fullness’.

Please find below details of our programme which are also in each student’s planner. The programme may need to be amended from time to time. Each year we tackle new topics while circling back and building on key concepts such as internet safety, healthy relationships and mental health.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at

"The programme (Lifebites) is exceptionally well designed to offer pupils a wide, rich set of experiences in a coherently planned way."

Please find below our LifeBites Programme for each Year:-

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Sixth Form

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