
Prayer Meetings and Prayer Letters

Staff Prayer Meeting 

Staff gather each Thursday morning at 08:15 for a time of fellowship and prayer together. 

Staff prayer meeting

Staff Prayer '24 (5)

Community Prayer Meeting

Trinity School was established and is maintained by the power of prayer. Trinity relies on the faithfulness of its prayer partners in the community: The Governors; SCET Ministers (Sevenoaks Churches Educational Trust) and church partners; the parent and staff body.

Trinity holds prayer meetings each term in the Trinity Chapel, to thank God for his provision and to pray for the needs of the school – all are welcome to join

We meet from 9am until 9:30am for refreshments and fellowship.

The prayer meeting runs from 9.30am - 10.30am.  The dates for the Academic Year 2024/25 are as follows:

  • Thursday 3rd October: 9:00 - 10.30am
  • Thursday 5th December: 9:00 - 10.30am
  • Thursday 6th February: 8.45 - 9.15am in the Prayer Space
  • Thursday 3rd April: 9:00 - 10:30am
  • Thursday 1st May: 9:00 - 10.30am
  • Thursday 26th June : 9:00 - 10.30am
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