

Welcome to the Careers page at Trinity School

If you are a parent, local employer or business owner and would like to get involved in supporting the careers programme at Trinity School we would love to hear from you - please contact Lois Tinkler (Careers Leader) at to talk about future opportunities.

Students at Trinity School are encouraged to explore a wide range of career choices through our Education, Information, Advice and Guidance programme (CEIAG), which has been designed to fulfil the Gatsby Benchmarks as follows:

  1. A Stable Careers Programme
  2. Learning from Career and Labour Market Information
  3. Addressing the Needs of Each Pupil
  4. Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers
  5. Encounters with Employers and Employees
  6. Experiences of the Workplace
  7. Encounters with Further and Higher Education
  8. Personal Guidance

We are committed to the continuous development of our CEIAG programme and we measure and evaluate the impact of our careers programme by using The Careers and Enterprise Company's Compass tool. We also seek feedback from students following careers activities using form group discussion and online forms, which is used to inform and improve the delivery of future careers sessions.

We are building links with local employers through support from the Careers and Enterprise Company. We are a member of the West Kent Careers Education Information & Advice Group (CEIAG) and the West Kent Enterprise Advisors Network.

The Trinity School Careers Leader is Lois Tinkler –

supported by Clare Harris, Careers Assistant –

The Trinity School Careers Programme

Useful websites

National Careers Service website -

Kent Choices - post16 options -

Labour Market Information (LMI) can provide us with insights into different jobs and opportunities, telling us what is available now or predicted to be in the future -


Kent LMI platform -

Careers information for parents

The school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the school for the purposes of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer are outlined in our Provider Access Policy:

Provider Access Policy 2024-25

CEIAG Policy 2025

CEIAG Policy Appendix-1a 2025

CEIAG Policy Appendix-1b 2025



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