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Prayer Space

Prayer Space is a place which is ‘set apart’ from the pressures of every day teenage life and the expectations of academic achievement. It allows students to think about the nature of prayer and how it can be used to help build a relationship with God. It follows a biblical theme. 

Prayer Space 2024

Prayer Space 2024

Theme: The Holy Trinity

Exploring the invitation to enter a relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 


Andrey rublev

Welcome Prayer Station

Trinity celebrated its 10 Year Anniversary in September 2023, and so the Prayer Space 2024 explored the meaning behind the school's name - The Holy Trinity. Taking inspiration from Andrei Rublev's Trinity artwork, we see the three persons of the Holy Trinity as equal and in perfect relationship with one another seated around a table. The challis in the centre represents the sacrifice of Jesus' blood for all mankind. The small rectangle at the bottom of the table, originally had a mirror on it. The artist wanted to capture the heart of The Holy Trinity to show the viewer that we are invited to the table and seated in the centre of this loving relationship. 




Big Questions

Students were invited to respond to the artwork by writing one 'Big Question' that they would ask God. These were then hung up on luggage labels around the artwork. 

Students were reminded that God invites us to ask questions and were reminded of Jesus' words in Matthew 7:7 ' “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened" .          



The world



Prayers for the World

Students were invited to stand around a large globe in the centre of the Prayer Space and understand how The Holy Trinity worked together to create the world. In the book of Genesis, we see The Holy Trinity working in perfect harmony together and 'the Spirit of God was hovering over the water. And God said, 'Let there be light' (Gen 1:2-3). Students were able to take a tea light and place it on any nation to pray for the needs of the world.         



Exploring The Holy TrinityPrayers for the world

Students were divided into groups to enter 4 Prayer Stations. The Prayer Space layout had three tents, each tent represented the person of the Holy Trinity -  God The Father; God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. There was also a 'take what you need' book station where students were able to select a book of their choosing to help them with their faith journey.  


The Father Heart  - Prayer StationProdigal son

Charlie Mackesy is a wonderful painter and illustrator. This artwork was inspired by Jesus' story of the Prodigal son in Luke 15. Within this prayer station students learnt about the extraordinary Father-heart of God, through the re-telling of the prodigal son story with props at this 'story-telling' station. 


Jesus the Son -  Prayer StationJesus station 2

Students explored the character and nature of Jesus through conssidering different aspects of His character - Jesus the Healer, Jesus the Provider, Jesus the Teacher, Jesus the Comforter, Jesus the Judge and Jesus the Friend. Students then considered 'Jesus the Saviour' and were able to reflect upon the crucifixion of Jesus and why the cross of Christ is central to Christianity. 

Within the station, the leader explained the crucifixion process by the Roman authorities who used 6-8 inch nails to crucify Christ. It enabled students to reflect on the sacrifice of Christ at the cross to pay for mankind's sin and the depth of Jesus love and forgiveness at the cross. 



The Holy Spirit - Prayer StationHoly spirit room prayer space 2024

Students were invited to sit on tree stumps surrounding a fire pit, as they explored the heart and role of The Holy Spirit. Students were invited to unwrap gifts, each containing a symbol of what the role of the Holy Spirit does in our lives. These gifts included: A mirror-He reveals truth. A Torch-to shine a light in the darkness. A compass-to guide us. The Bible- To remind us of everything Jesus said. A Blanket - refers to the Holy Spirit as comforter and counsellor. 

Book section 2


The 'Take What You Need' - Prayer Station

Students were able to take a selection of books from the 'Take what you need' prayer station. These included the Alpha Series by HTB, Corrie Ten Booms' 'Hiding Place', Big Questions series, and a selection of Prayer books, devotionals and daily journals. As always we are grateful to all our service volunteers, YWAM and supporters for all their help throughout the Prayer Space week. 





Here is a video of the Prayer Space (5 mins):



The Prayer Space Team of 2024: 

Prayer Space team


Prayer Space 2023

Prayer Space 2023 

God is Love 1 John 4:8

Prayer Space 2023 focussed on the theme of God's love. Students were invited to explore 5 key prayer stations which looked at: 

Love Sacrifices

Love Sacrifices -John 3:16. 

Students explored the idea of sacrificial love poured out through the body and blood of Christ at the filthy rags cross. Students were able to place a filthy rag in the cross and understand the great exchange of our filthy rags for Jesus' forgiveness and riches at the cross. 


Love Heals - Matthew 22:37-38Love Heals

Students were invited to sit beside still waters. They were encouraged to reflect upon loving God and loving others as yourself. How can you love others if you do not love yourself? They placed a rock in the healing waters of God's grace and prayed for God's love to breakthrough. 


Love Acts - Micah 6:8Love Acts

This station was inspired by God’s love and heart for justice. Students learnt about the work of ‘Meninadanca’ a charity who works to help restore and rebuild the lives of young girls who have been rescued from sexual exploitation on the BR116 in Brazil.  Students wrote letters of encouragement to the girls who have been rescued and brought to safety in Meninadanca's pink houses. 


Love Rests - Mark 6:31LOVE RESTS 2

Students explored the invitation of Jesus 'to come away by yourselves to a quiet place and rest for a while', and as they reflected upon this, they created a beautiful piece of artwork. 



Love Transforms - 1 John 4:11Love Transforms

Different people with different personalities express love in different ways. Therefore, if you want to give and receive love most effectively, you need to learn to speak the right love language! Students learnt the transforming power of love by exploring The 5 Love Languages - based on a book by Dr Gary Chapman.  Students learnt about their own personal love language within this prayer station, but how important it is also, to know other peoples love language. 

Love Remembers

There was also an opportunity for students to remember loved ones at the Remembrance bench as well as an area where they could 'take what they need' which was filled with books and tracts and verses of encouragement. 


Prayer Space 2023 in Pictures


Prayer Space 2022

Prayer Space 2022 - The Peace of God

This year the theme was the Peace of God, and it was inspired by Paul's letter to the Philippians

Students experienced 6 Peace stations. 

  • 'Peace Doves' station enabled students to share their anxieties and write prayers of thankfulness on doves, which were hung up and looked likes all the prayers were flying to God's throne room of grace. 
  • 'Peace Letters' station focused upon writing letters to persecuted Christians. We are thankful to the Open Doors organisation for their input and help. 
  • 'Peace Makers' station, enabled students, through a series of cartoons, to be equipped in how to handle conflict well. 
  • 'Peace Art' - Students were invited to create a piece of artwork alongside Christian Artist, Sue Salter, as they explored handing over their worries to God in prayer. 
  • 'Peace in Jesus' - Olive branch cross. Students were encouraged to lay their burdens at the cross of Jesus and in exchange receive Jesus' peace. 
  • 'Garden of Peace' - Students had an opportunity to remember a loved one at the Remembrance chair and bench. 

Here is a video of the Prayer Space (6 mins): 



The students loved the artwork, the sense of peace and calm, the Remembrance chair and bench were particularly mentioned. We have wonderful letters to send 'Open Doors' who help support persecuted Christians. The students were equipped in learning about how to handle conflict well. They LOVED the YWAM students! They also mentioned the laying down of burdens at the cross, by holding the large rocks, in exchange for Jesus' peace. 

We cannot thank our faithful volunteers enough and a special mention to Jackie Bignell and Renate Moerdijk for their creative input and help. The YWAM students were a MASSIVE hit with the students. 

The Garden of Gethsemane Olive Branch Cross

Garden of gethsemane olive branch cross

The Peace Doves

Peace doves

The Prayer Space Team, including YWAM (Youth with a mission). 

Prayer space team

The Olive Branch Cross

Olive branch cross

Peace letters to persecuted Christians. 
The Open Doors Organisation were very thankful to receive Trinity's letters of encouragement, they write: 

 "We just want to say thank you so much for sending over the letters....they are so heartfelt and precious!

 We have sorted them to ensure they go to the right place but please pass on our thanks to your students for the impact these cards will have."

Peace letters

Prayer letters 2

Prayer letters 3

The Garden of Peace and Remembrance

Garden of pr

Peace art1

Peace art




Here are just a few of the comments across all year groups:

"What did you enjoy most about the Prayer Space? "

"It's so calming, relaxing and peaceful" (many, many students)
"It reminded me how much I am loved and how much burden Jesus is carrying for me" (Year 7)
" I enjoyed just reflecting and having time to pray and think about loved ones and reflect on life" (Year 9)
" I liked learning about how to handle conflict" (Year 9)
"The peace it has given me. I feel relieved of a burden that was troubling me" (Year 10)
" It was really helpful to take a break when life's been so stressful" (Year 11)
" It gave me hope" (Year 11)
"It gave me peace that I needed; I enjoyed a space where I could get comfort from Christ" (Year 11)
Some 6th form students also commented: 
"We all wanted to say how amazing prayer space looked, it gave off such a peaceful atmosphere...... it was so beautiful to see all the reflections and appreciations in each section. We thought that the sad story of the young boy whose father passed from believing in God and his aspiration and strong belief in God made us reflect and appreciate how lucky we were!  Thank you for giving us an opportunity to experience this!"

Prayer Space 2020

Prayer Space 2020 - Jesus

Prayer Space 2020 was based upon Jesus – 'I am the Light of the World'   John 8:12. 

The Prayer Space is set up so that there are different stations relating to different aspects of prayer. For example, students are encouraged to pray for the Wider World – this year the focus was on the homeless (linked to the work of London City Mission) and modern day slavery. 

The Cross is central to the Prayer Space and students take time to sit at the foot of the cross and are encouraged to think about the great exchange that takes place – that Jesus paid the price for our sin and we can receive God’s forgiveness.

A ‘JOY’ board was created where students wrote prayers of thankfulness to God for aspects of their lives.

‘Creative Art’ allows students to partake in a collective piece of art work which reflected the theme of the Week - 'You are the light of the World'   Matthew 5:14-16.   We also had a clay station which reminded them of the verse 'Yet you LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter, we are all the work of your hands'    Isaiah 64:8. 

During this week every student has the opportunity to engage in prayer – be that in an interactive and creative way or by spending time in quiet reflection. The feedback from students following the prayer space week is extremely positive. Many commenting that they wished they had ‘more time’ to spend in the prayer space.  



“It helped me concentrate and leave all the rest of the world and my worries behind” (Student Year 7) 

“It taught me God cares unconditionally”   (Year 8) 

“It was nice to pray to God”  (Year 9) 

“It made me think about what I am grateful for. It also helped me achieve peace of mind.” (Year 10) 

“It made me realise who I am and how I need to change the way I treat people.”  (Year 8) 

“[It helped me] to understand that there are so many things to pray about and to be thankful for”  (Year 12) 

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