

If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

John 8:31-32

Seek and value truth.  Be true to who God created you to be

This means that, for example:

  • Students pursue understanding, wisdom and integrity in all areas of school life
  • Students are independent, questioning and critical learners
  • Students display self-confidence, resilience and have good self-esteem

Truth is a key value for Trinity. We define Truth as openness, integrity and honesty, and we work with students and staff to develop these values. Truth sits at the heart of what we believe, and is reflected in our use of Restorative Practice to develop and manage our relationships.

Truth is also a key component of scholarship. We encourage children to become independent, questioning and critical learners, who understand that seeking the truth, no matter how difficult or challenging that truth might be, is a vital component in becoming an informed, aware and active citizen. If we discover and understand what is true, we are sometimes led to act courageously and morally for the good of others.

To us, truth also means being truthful with oneself. We help students to develop their self-awareness and resilience so that they can grow in truth, and seek to make a difference to the lives of those around them.

very grateful to staff at Trinity for providing opportunities and for investing in him and bringing out his potential



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