
Trinity's Chapel

Trinity's New Chapel
'I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth'.
Psalm 121:1
'And the glory of the Lord filled the temple'
Ezekiel 43:5
The Trinity Chaplaincy centre opened in July 2022. It includes the Chapel, chapel class room and the chaplaincy office where the Chaplaincy team are based. The Chapel is a warm welcoming space to extend the love of God to all students, staff and school community. Five weekly Christian Unions take place each lunchtime; the SHINE and STRENGTH course takes place in the Chapel as well as the Trinity Service Programme and Creative Intervention Programme We held a special Service of Dedication to thank God for his provision and dedicated the Chapel and it's plans and purposes into God's safe hands. 
Trinity chapel cross 2 Trinity chapel 1 Trinity chapel cross 1



                             Our Chapel was officially opened by Julian Speroni and dedicated by Pastor Andrew Diaper, Chair of the Sevenoaks Churches Educational Trust in July 2022


 Jacquie and renate
We give thanks to God for Trinity parents Jax Bignell and Renate Moerdijk for their time, energy, professional input, creativity, and vision into the Chapel.




Trinity's Chapel design
Chapel 5
The cross is placed at the centre of Trinity's exterior as a symbol of Jesus' hope, light and eternal life.
The glass-fronted design enables those inside the Chapel to catch a glimpse of the South Downs Way and reminds us of the importance of 'looking up',  lifting our hearts and minds to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Just as the psalmist cried out to God for help in Psalm 121, the Chapel becomes a safe place and brave space for our students and staff to look up and know the help and love of God through His word and spirit. 
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