

Posted on: 15/08/2024

A Level Results Day

Trinity students celebrate excellent A-level results

A big well done to our students who have deservedly achieved some impressive results this year. Nearly half of our students achieved A*-B grades or equivalent, with 14% achieving the top grades (A*-A).

Some highlights include: 

  • Anya Huppach who achieved 3 A grades in Mathematics, Physics and Business has an apprenticeship in a large London insurance firm.
  • Julius Kucinskas who scored A* grades in Mathematics and Physics and A grades in Chemistry and Further Mathematics. He is looking forward to studying Aerospace engineering at Queen Mary University.
  • Joe Sawyers who is delighted to have been offered a place at Cambridge University to read Philosophy – he achieved grades AAB and an A* in his Extended Project.
  • Benjamin Mendez achieved an A* in English Literature, an A grade in Mathematics and a B grade in Religious Studies. He will soon be reading Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Durham University.
  • Matthew Thompson achieved two A* grades in Physics and Further Maths and an A in Chemistry and is taking a gap year.
  • Finlay Moore scored an A and two B grades and is going to Exeter University to study renewable energy engineering.

In addition to excellent university destinations, many of our students are pursuing careers directly after Sixth Form. For instance, Mary Lee will work in quantity surveying, Lottie Huntley is set to become a Solicitor’s Clerk in the Essex Court system, and Mason O’Connor has won a prestigious Cripps Law apprenticeship.

Headteacher Dr Matthew Pawson commented, "We are proud of all our students, how hard they have worked, and how their efforts are being rewarded in what they are doing next."

Trinity School, 15th August 2024

Results day Results day 1 Results day 2

Matthew, Ava, and Lizzie celebrate their A-level results



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